Strain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
WeiterlesenStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
Strain sensing and crack detection in prestressed concrete girders
WeiterlesenStrain sensing and crack detection in prestressed concrete girders
Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
WeiterlesenStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
Steel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
WeiterlesenSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
WeiterlesenPrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Sewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
WeiterlesenSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
WeiterlesenConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Concrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracks
WeiterlesenConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracks
Concrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensors
WeiterlesenConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensors
Concrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditions
WeiterlesenConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditions
CFA concrete column: strains & shape analysis during mechanical load tests
WeiterlesenCFA concrete column: strains & shape analysis during mechanical load tests