Strain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
WeiterlesenStrain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
Strain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
WeiterlesenStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
Steel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
WeiterlesenSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
Steel girders during mechanical load tests: elastic and plastic strains
WeiterlesenSteel girders during mechanical load tests: elastic and plastic strains
Steel bridge girder as vertical displacement sensor for shape sensing
WeiterlesenSteel bridge girder as vertical displacement sensor for shape sensing
Soil displacement measurements in Japan – distributed shape sensing
WeiterlesenSoil displacement measurements in Japan – distributed shape sensing
Smart FRP components for strain- based bridge health monitoring
WeiterlesenSmart FRP components for strain- based bridge health monitoring
Smart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing
WeiterlesenSmart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing
Shape sensing with 3DSensor: laboratory beginnings
WeiterlesenShape sensing with 3DSensor: laboratory beginnings
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
WeiterlesenPrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Sewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
WeiterlesenSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements