Highway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detection
WeiterlesenHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detection
High-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurements
WeiterlesenHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurements
Monitoring cracks in the foundation slab of a Warsaw skyscraper
WeiterlesenMonitoring cracks in the foundation slab of a Warsaw skyscraper
High pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructure
WeiterlesenHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructure
Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
WeiterlesenMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
Foundation barrettes during load testing: strain and crack analysis
WeiterlesenFoundation barrettes during load testing: strain and crack analysis
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
WeiterlesenFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
EpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
WeiterlesenEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
WeiterlesenDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Distributed strain sensing in the concrete slab of a truss bridge
WeiterlesenDistributed strain sensing in the concrete slab of a truss bridge
Distributed sensing in foundation piles during mechanical load testing
WeiterlesenDistributed sensing in foundation piles during mechanical load testing