Load testing of a composite footbridge with strain and displacement measurements
WeiterlesenLoad testing of a composite footbridge with strain and displacement measurements
First fully composite bridge in Poland with distributed health monitoring
WeiterlesenFirst fully composite bridge in Poland with distributed health monitoring
First bridge in USA with 3DSensors for displacements measurements (shape sensing)
WeiterlesenFirst bridge in USA with 3DSensors for displacements measurements (shape sensing)
EpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
WeiterlesenEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
Damage detection in the composite wind turbine blade for bridge applications
WeiterlesenDamage detection in the composite wind turbine blade for bridge applications
Strain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
WeiterlesenStrain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
Smart FRP components for strain- based bridge health monitoring
WeiterlesenSmart FRP components for strain- based bridge health monitoring
Smart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing
WeiterlesenSmart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing