Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
WeiterlesenMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
Load testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridge
WeiterlesenLoad testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridge
Load testing of a composite footbridge with strain and displacement measurements
WeiterlesenLoad testing of a composite footbridge with strain and displacement measurements
First fully composite bridge in Poland with distributed health monitoring
WeiterlesenFirst fully composite bridge in Poland with distributed health monitoring
First bridge in USA with 3DSensors for displacements measurements (shape sensing)
WeiterlesenFirst bridge in USA with 3DSensors for displacements measurements (shape sensing)
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
WeiterlesenFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
EpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
WeiterlesenEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
Dynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława river
WeiterlesenDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława river
Distributed strain sensing in the concrete slab of a truss bridge
WeiterlesenDistributed strain sensing in the concrete slab of a truss bridge
Distributed fibre optic strain sensing –historical bridge in Warsaw
WeiterlesenDistributed fibre optic strain sensing –historical bridge in Warsaw
Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
WeiterlesenDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam