Monitoring cracks in the foundation slab of a Warsaw skyscraper
WeiterlesenMonitoring cracks in the foundation slab of a Warsaw skyscraper
Foundation barrettes during load testing: strain and crack analysis
WeiterlesenFoundation barrettes during load testing: strain and crack analysis
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
WeiterlesenDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Strains and displacements in a new type of slurry wall: research field (2)
WeiterlesenStrains and displacements in a new type of slurry wall: research field (2)
Strains and cracks in a new type of slurry wall: research field (1)
WeiterlesenStrains and cracks in a new type of slurry wall: research field (1)
Strain sensing during load tests of large-diameter piles Museum of Modern Art
WeiterlesenStrain sensing during load tests of large-diameter piles Museum of Modern Art
Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
WeiterlesenStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles