Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
WeiterlesenMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
WeiterlesenDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Distributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wall
WeiterlesenDistributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wall
Thermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratory
WeiterlesenThermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratory
Damage detection in the composite wind turbine blade for bridge applications
WeiterlesenDamage detection in the composite wind turbine blade for bridge applications
Strain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
WeiterlesenStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
WeiterlesenStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
Strain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
WeiterlesenStrain and shape measurements in composite pipelines
Strain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
WeiterlesenStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
Steel girders during mechanical load tests: elastic and plastic strains
WeiterlesenSteel girders during mechanical load tests: elastic and plastic strains
Smart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing
WeiterlesenSmart composite bridge panel for strain and shape sensing