We are participating in an international research project that covers the fields of hydrogeology, geochemistry and geotechnics
One of our DFOS & DAS engineers – Szymon Długosz recently visited the Mont Terri Project laboratory, located near St-Ursanne in the canton of Jura. It is used to study the Opalinus Clay, a host rock for a proposed future deep geological repository for radioactive waste, CO2_disposal, and heatstorage. This international research project covers the fields of hydrogeology, geochemistry, and geotechnics, and brings together 22 partners. The Federal Office of Topography swisstopo operates and manages the rock laboratory.
The visit was in cooperation with Neubrex. One of our Neubrescope™ interrogators was used to collect experimental data, which will be further processed to investigate the mechanism of borehole degradation.