Distributed fibre optic sensing vs. conventional spot gauges

The key feature of this technology and its main advantage over conventional spot gauges is the ability to make distributed measurements, i.e. continuously over the entire length of the sensor. In this way, the most important goal of structural health monitoring – the direct damage detection – can finally be achieved.

Don’t struggle to find the best locations for spot gauges – just monitor the entire length of the structure and never miss extreme values associated with:

stress concentrations 

Instead of a single number in a single location – get the whole profile to see the complete picture and understand the true behaviour of your structure!
The entire DFOS system consists of the optical interrogator (using Rayleigh, Brillouin or Raman scattering) and the sensors, which are a key component. While the interrogator can be easily replaced, the sensors interact with the monitored structure throughout its lifetime and must provide reliable, undisturbed and trustworthy data – safety first!

Nerve-Sensors are the solution to this challenge

Despite its excellent measurement capabilities, it is worth remembering that DFOS is not a ‘plug and play’ technology. It requires individual analysis of the type of:

interrogator needed
sensors’ technical parameters
installation methods
thermal compensation
data post-processing algorithms

Our team, with many years of professional and R&D experience, will help you to find the best possible diagnostic solution to meet your individual needs.

See more

What can we measure 
Layered cables vs. DFOS sensors
Case studies