Distributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wallRead MoreDistributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wall
Distributed sensing in foundation piles during mechanical load testingRead MoreDistributed sensing in foundation piles during mechanical load testing
Distributed fibre optic strain sensing –historical bridge in WarsawRead MoreDistributed fibre optic strain sensing –historical bridge in Warsaw
Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
Vertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surfaceRead MoreVertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surface
Underground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensing
Underground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)Read MoreUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)
Thermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratoryRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratory
Thermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slabRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slab
Thermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concreteRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concrete