Fatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)Read MoreUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)PEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshPEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
Fatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structure
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
Underground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensing
Underground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)Read MoreUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)
PEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
PEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh