Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesRead MoreStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsRead MoreSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingPrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksPEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsPEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsOne of the largest concrete bridge in Poland – distributed crack detectionRead MoreOne of the largest concrete bridge in Poland – distributed crack detectionMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete Prev1 2 3Next
Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesRead MoreStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
Strain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
Steel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsRead MoreSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Concrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracks
PEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
Concrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensors
PEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
Concrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditions
One of the largest concrete bridge in Poland – distributed crack detectionRead MoreOne of the largest concrete bridge in Poland – distributed crack detection
Monolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete