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Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsRead MoreMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
High pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureRead MoreHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructure
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
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Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
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The highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)Read MoreThe highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)
Strains in composite reinforcement at the base of a road embankmentRead MoreStrains in composite reinforcement at the base of a road embankment
Displacements of a road embankment above the strengthened substrateRead MoreDisplacements of a road embankment above the strengthened substrate
Strains and displacements at the base of a road embankmentRead MoreStrains and displacements at the base of a road embankment