Highway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridgeRead MoreEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridgeDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverVertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surfaceRead MoreVertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surfaceStrains measurements in asphalt layers during dynamic truck runsRead MoreStrains measurements in asphalt layers during dynamic truck runsStrains and shape changes in asphalt layers: load tests & long-term measurementsRead MoreStrains and shape changes in asphalt layers: load tests & long-term measurementsStrains and displacements in asphalt layers: dynamic load testsRead MoreStrains and displacements in asphalt layers: dynamic load testsDFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaRead MoreDFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Highway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detection
Fatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structure
EpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridgeRead MoreEpsilonRebars as the nervous system for the health of a hybrid footbridge
Dynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława river
Vertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surfaceRead MoreVertical and horizontal distributed strain measurements within a road surface
Strains measurements in asphalt layers during dynamic truck runsRead MoreStrains measurements in asphalt layers during dynamic truck runs
Strains and shape changes in asphalt layers: load tests & long-term measurementsRead MoreStrains and shape changes in asphalt layers: load tests & long-term measurements
Strains and displacements in asphalt layers: dynamic load testsRead MoreStrains and displacements in asphalt layers: dynamic load tests
DFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaRead MoreDFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining area
Sewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading