Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsRead MoreMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsLoad testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridgeRead MoreLoad testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridgeHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsRead MoreHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsDistributed fibre optic strain sensing -historical bridge in WarsawRead MoreDistributed fibre optic strain sensing -historical bridge in WarsawDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsRead MoreSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsPEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshPEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsRead MoreMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
Load testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridgeRead MoreLoad testing of toothed cable anchors -structural check of a new bridge
High-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsRead MoreHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurements
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
Distributed fibre optic strain sensing -historical bridge in WarsawRead MoreDistributed fibre optic strain sensing -historical bridge in Warsaw
Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
The 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
Steel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load testsRead MoreSteel-concrete railway bridge: strains and cracks during load tests
PEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh
PEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (1×1 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh