Concrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsCable-stayed bridge with steel anchorage: detection of stress concentrationsRead MoreCable-stayed bridge with steel anchorage: detection of stress concentrationsMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain fieldRead MoreAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain fieldAnchorage zone in a 57-year-old concrete girder: strain and crack detectionRead MoreAnchorage zone in a 57-year-old concrete girder: strain and crack detection“Concrete tomograph” – strain and temperature evolution at early stageRead More“Concrete tomograph” – strain and temperature evolution at early stage Prev1 2 3 4 5
Concrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditions
Cable-stayed bridge with steel anchorage: detection of stress concentrationsRead MoreCable-stayed bridge with steel anchorage: detection of stress concentrations
Monolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete
Anchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain fieldRead MoreAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain field
Anchorage zone in a 57-year-old concrete girder: strain and crack detectionRead MoreAnchorage zone in a 57-year-old concrete girder: strain and crack detection
“Concrete tomograph” – strain and temperature evolution at early stageRead More“Concrete tomograph” – strain and temperature evolution at early stage