Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsRead MoreMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsRead MoreHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureRead MoreHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundDistributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wallRead MoreDistributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wallUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingThermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratoryRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratoryThe highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)Read MoreThe highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)The 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors 1 2 3 4Next
Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
Measurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry wallsRead MoreMeasurements of a railway line above the substrate strengthened with slurry walls
Highway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detection
High-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurementsRead MoreHigh-speed railway line: static and dynamic distributed measurements
High pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureRead MoreHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructure
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Distributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wallRead MoreDistributed strain measurements in a historical brick masonry wall
Underground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensing
Thermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratoryRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains of GRP composite pipe in the laboratory
The highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)Read MoreThe highest road embankments in Poland – distributed temperature sensing (DTS)
The 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors