High pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureRead MoreHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)Read MoreUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)DFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaRead MoreDFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete
High pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructureRead MoreHigh pressure gas pipeline: DFOS-based health control of safety-critical infrastructure
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Distributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth damRead MoreDistributed acoustic (DAS) and temperature (DTS) sensing of an earth dam
Underground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensingRead MoreUnderground pipeline section: strain, temperature and shape sensing
Underground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)Read MoreUnderground pipeline section: distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)
DFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining areaRead MoreDFOS strain measurements of an active road located within a mining area
Strain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Monolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete