Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingPrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete 1 2Next
Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
Highway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detectionRead MoreHighway with composite bars: distributed strain sensing (DSS) and crack detection
Dynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława river
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Strain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
Sewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Concrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracks
Concrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensors
Concrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditionsRead MoreConcrete cylinders – mechanical strains under laboratory conditions
Monolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete