Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundThermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concreteRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concreteStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesRead MoreStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingPrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksPEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh 1 2Next
Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
Fatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structure
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Thermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concreteRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in hardening of expansive concrete
Strain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
Strain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete pilesRead MoreStrain and temperature measurements in bentonite and polymer concrete piles
Strain and displacement monitoring inside a road structureRead MoreStrain and displacement monitoring inside a road structure
Sewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurementsRead MoreSewer concrete collector refurbishment: strains, cracks and displacement measurements
Concrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loadingRead MoreConcrete truck scale platforms: strain and crack analysis from hardening to loading
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Concrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracksRead MoreConcrete slab strengthened with FRP composites: strains & cracks
PEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel meshRead MorePEBSTER (5×5 m): strains and displacements in piled embankment with a steel mesh