Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundThermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slabRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slabThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failurePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain fieldRead MoreAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain field
Measurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beamsRead MoreMeasurements of extremely wide cracks in prestressed concrete beams
First bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreFirst bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
Fatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structureRead MoreFatigue strain measurements in different layers of a road structure
Dynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława riverRead MoreDynamic strain sensing in a historical post-tensioned bridge over Motława river
Distributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the groundRead MoreDistributes strains in fibre-reinforced concrete mixed with the ground
Thermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slabRead MoreThermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slab
The 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensorsRead MoreThe 2nd bridge in Germany with embedded strain and crack distributed sensors
Strain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failureRead MoreStrain sensing and crack detection during simulation of column failure
Prestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensingRead MorePrestressed T-shaped girders: strain, crack, stress and shape sensing
Concrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensorsRead MoreConcrete giders with integrated distributed strain and shape monolithic sensors
Monolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concreteRead MoreMonolithic sensors vs. layered cables – direct comparison in concrete
Anchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain fieldRead MoreAnchorage zone: bi-directional analaysis of internal strain field