Europe’s largest mining tailings reservoir: displacements
in an industrial tower

Żelazny Most Reservoir is the largest reservoir for copper mining tailings in Europe, owned by KGHM Polska Miedź. It was put into exploitation on February 12, 1977. There are four industrial overflow towers on the site. One of them in 2018, was equipped with vertical 3DSensors to monitor temperatures and horizontal displacements. One of the reasons for DFOS-based monitoring system installation was the construction of the tower’s new floors.

DFOS Sensors Installed: 3DSensor

Project challenges

How to apply non-invasive diagnostics in demanding historic structures?
How to get precise measurement data to detect local damage and imperfection?
How to measure detailed strain profiles over the entire height of the brick masonry wall?

Benefits of using the DFOS monitoring system

Knowledge of horizontal displacements and temperatures along the entire depth
Full assessment of tower deformation state, including uneven settlements
Detailed control of construction work in the upper part of tower (new floors)
Unique data on old industrial structure for FEM validation and safety assessment

Results of using the DFOS monitoring system

Seven segments of the 3DSensor were delivered on site and installed on the walls of the tower’s individual storeys, along its entire depth. Segments were connected together through the floors to create a continuous sensing line. The measurements were performed during the entire year to analyse the influence of significant temperature changes. This reliable system working in harsh environmental conditions allowed the horizontal displacements of the tower to be measured with extremely high spatial resolution.

Technical specifications

3 400 measurement points
34 m of sensing path
7 x 3DSensor
long-term monitoring

Example results

Recomendations (optional)

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John Doe

Project partner


Case study
3DSensor Datasheet

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