Thermal-shrinkage strains in masssive concrete foundation slab

The objective of the project was to analyze the hydration & curing process of the concrete slab. Temperature changes with associated shrinkage and thermal shortening cause tensile stresses in the concrete constrained by the internal reinforcement. Two EpsilonGraphs were used for this purpose. The sensors have a special graphite additive to improve their thermal conductivity. The sensors were installed at the top and bottom of the slab by tying them to the reinforcingbars prior to concreting.

DFOS Sensors Installed: EpsilonGraph

Project challenges

How to apply non-invasive diagnostics in demanding historic structures?
How to get precise measurement data to detect local damage and imperfection?
How to measure detailed strain profiles over the entire height of the brick masonry wall?

Benefits of using the DFOS monitoring system

Analysis of early-age concrete behaviour with detection of possible microcracks
Distributed temperature profile measurements with Raman scattering
Distributed strain profile measurements with Rayleigh & Brillouin scattering
Distinguish between mechanical and thermal effects while concrete curing

Results of using the DFOS monitoring system

The measurements were made by connecting the same optical sensors to three DFOS interrogators (Luna, Neubrex and Yokogawa). The aim was to analyse in detail the thermal shrinkage behavior of the early age concrete in the massive foundation slab. Measurements started during concreting and continued for the next few days. The graph shows examples of Raman-based temperature profiles in selected time steps.

Technical specifications

10 000 measurement points
100 m of sensing path
2 x EpsilonGraph
concrete curing

Example results

Recomendations (optional)

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John Doe

Project partner


Case study
EpsilonGraph Datasheet

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